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Study Group

Adult Ministries

Come be a part of the many adult ministries at Monte Ne Baptist Church. 

Through our various programs, ministries and activities, every person who comes to Monte Ne Baptist Church is provided an opportunity to build key relationships that can last a lifetime.

Confetti at Night Concert

Student Ministries

Here at Monte Ne Baptist MN Student Ministry, our goal is to be one with Christ.  Us + Christ = 1
This is accomplished through having a daily relationship with our Heavenly Father.  At MN Student Ministry, we love to play hard, laugh hard, and most importantly study Gods Word together.  Come have fun with us as we dive into Gods Word each week and find the truths He has for our lives.  

Children's Ministry

We exist, for God’s glory, to introduce kids to Jesus and disciple them as Christ-followers that they might introduce the next generation to Jesus and make disciples of them.

All Hands In

About Us

We are a Bible teaching body of believers. 

All that we plan and do is rooted in...and taught from the Bible.

We believe it is God-inspired and without fault, and it is our charge to use it for teaching, reproof, correction, and to prepare us for every good work in our lives. 

At MNBC...God is first!


Missions and Outreach

Spreading the Good News of Christ in Word and deed to impact people in our community, country and the world.

Outreach combines spiritual impact with social responsibility. In keeping with our mission, discipling the church to impact the world, members of MNBC are equipped to use their spiritual gifts to advance the Kingdom of God at home and abroad.

Stay Connected!
Video Archives,
Audio Archives

Can't make it to church but want to watch our  live- stream broadcast? Miss a sermon, or perhaps you enjoyed the message so much that you would like to hear it again? Maybe you have never visited our church and want to see what Monte Ne  Baptist Church is all about.

 We've got you covered. Simply c on the "Read More" link below and select the video or audio message your choice.

Worship Service

Bible Study



 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live,
but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body,
I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me
and gave himself for me
Galatians 2:20 


Office Hours
Open Monday Through Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

 Corporate services/activities:
Sunday Morning Fellowship FLC: 9:00 am

 Sunday School:  9:45 am 
Sunday Morning Service:  10:50 am
Children's Church: 10:50 am

Sunday Evening Service:  6:00 pm
Wednesday MN Students Service:  6:30 pm
Wednesday Children's Activities:  6:30 pm
Wednesday Evening Prayer Service:  6:30 pm
Mission Statement
We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, personally committed to sharing the Good News of our salvation to lost mankind at home and around the world. The ordinances of the church are Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Matthew 28:19, Acts 10:48, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.
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